Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Craving America: It's Always the Little Things

With 16 days left on the great continent, I can't deny that I am really looking forward to returning to the land of my birth. Being apart from America for almost five months has revealed the many great aspects of the crazy States that I had previously not noticed. While the most obvious being my friends, family, dog, free water, and less sexual harassment, there are those little life details that stand out, that for me, are the best - or only available - in America.

1. Riding in my Dad's truck, blasting Petty
2. Chic tens from the Wrap Shop @ school
3. Saturday breakfast at Mems
4. Christmas music (I don't care if its May, I'd love me some Bing Crosby right now)
5. Wide open spaces
6. One stop shopping, ala' Walmart/Target (yeah, I said it; that's confidence right there)
7. Convection ovens
8. Jacuzzi Tub (at this point, any bathtub would be appreciated)
9. Trees over eight years old - and thus, taller than 15 feet.
10. Real cookies

...The list could go on and on, ranging from the inconsquential to the profound (ok, no, I won't be professing love for the Constitution anytime soon), but I'm supposed to be writing a paper presently, so back to that. Stories of the French Riviera soon though!

1 comment:

Agent Tatties said...

Top 10 things I miss about Maria:

10. Her 21 year old ness. While I still drink with whomever I please on campus, the idea of going to a bar and hearing Buttons in the corner by the tables (or Call on Me) is always on my mind.
9. Her neverending quest for the ultimate goals in life (aka a man, a good beer, a parking spot to the Indian place, etc).
8. Her family and the ensuing adventures with the Segala bunch.
7. Her little bod. I broke my big Katy-Halloween-Costume bag carrying dirty clothes. You weigh less than the lot of laundry.
6. Being able to talk to you between the hours of 7pm-2am.
5. Her smile
4. Her trill
3. Playing Flavor of Love with you (you're missing the best show on VH1 ever - Charm School. All the rejects are school'd on how to be ladies by Mo'nique.... awesome)
2. Watching TV with you in general and commenting on the ugliness and retardation of the girls on ANTM (including Tyra) and watching other shows such as South Park, Chappelle's Show, and movies (Hot Fuzz on DVD... Soon I hope.

And the number 1 thing I miss about Maria Segala....

1. The way we fit together in pictures. Please see the 1st verse to "Such great heights." We effing FIT together.

Come home soon. How are those teleporting lessions going?