Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter in Amsterdam

While you were all off to your family estates, I was celebrating this holy week in a largely atheist city. Of course, that’s perfectly fine for me – still to this day, no one knows how I ended up at Catholic School. Nevertheless, I still celebrate Easter and Good Friday (yeah, I know, supposed to be a solemn day. Day off from school, I say, so praise Christ) and this would be the first – and probably the only – year without a family gathering.

I started the weekend doing the best to occupy myself – doing homework, spring cleaning, absinthe, but still, as Easter Sunday approached, I was slightly grumpy lunch. In an attempt to pacify myself, I slept in, then made pancakes before getting all dressed up (read: actually getting dressed for the first time in almost three days) and heading over to plantage.

There were not many CIEE individuals left in the city of Red Lights, as many were traveling and/or with family over the long weekend. Several of us orphans left here decided it was only fair to throw ourselves an Amsterdam style Easter dinner.

Megan was in charge of the menu; I showed up to carry supplies and help cook. Tory and Ned sliced bread and made salad, while Megan, Sully, and I did most of the cooking. Megan’s very zealous and a-mazing menu included:

Spinach dip
Chicken, with mysterious peppercorn sauce (it was all in Dutch)
Green beans
Mashed potatoes

And dessert:

Pound cake with Caramelized bananas and ice cream

Now, of course, with so many cooks – and so many college cooks – practically everything was done at different times. The mashed potatoes were a successful, first time attempt by Sully; I don’t think he realized how long it would take to boil them to a satisfactory mashing point. The chicken was chopped up as it cooked. The spinach dip, bruschetta, and most of two loaves of French bread were all gone by the time we actually sat down for dinner. An hour and a half later, dinner was served. The meal was a resounding success all around.

It wasn’t the traditional Easter dinner per se, but pretty similar to many I’ve been privy to. Violent placing of food on plates,some yelling, inappropriate conversation topics…sounds like home to me.

After dinner – and a marvelous dessert – I headed home to skype the family celebration going on at Mem’s. I got to talk to almost every person present, which was awesome. Just an example of the glory that is my family:

Jon (my cousin): “Hey Cupcake”
Me: “Helllllllllllllloooo, what’s up?”
Jon: “Oh, you know, just being a silly goose.”

Then we talked about how I’m making him and Uncle Jay proud in my time here and also how we both despise all liquors that are licorice flavored (we are not meant to drink jager in my family).

In continuation of the holiday celebrations, I spent an hour at the gym this morning and then went to FOAM, a photography museum late this afternoon (yes I find both of those activities entertaining). I’ve also done no homework – this post is clear evidence of that.

And now, the productiveness begins as my parents arrive on Friday!

1 comment:

Agent Tatties said...

You are making so much food! I am so proud! you've come so far from the days I arrived to find an empty fridge and cheese sandwitches as your only means of food. I bet they still are, but it's good to know you're eating better stuff. Actually cheese is delish... disregard this entire comment.
