Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Times Change, Traditions Change

In a surprising move, the people of the Netherlands voted to override the traditional Christian holiday of Easter in favor of a new celebration: Couples Appreciation Day.

In a country with a vast number of atheists – some urban areas boasting over 50 percent self proclaimed – this move made sense to many. As one Amsterdam man put it:

“Christ’s resurrection? Impressive. But getting my girlfriend to watch a whole football game without complaint, now that’s a miracle!”

Couples Appreciation Day, which was celebrated both days previously reserved for the Easter Holiday, appeared to be a huge success in central Amsterdam. Sunday found hundreds of couples strolling arm in arm, couples gazing at the canals, couples lounging in boats; Amsterdam was just overflowing with feelings of companionship. Occasionally, there was the sight of a couple in conflict, but in true spirit of the holiday, they bickered in public, making their couple status – be it harmonious or not – known.

This change is just a continuation of the common European practice of sharing your love for another with the world. This is most often accomplished by affectionate displays in conspicuous locales, such as the middle of public squares, sidewalk benches, and centrally located café tables.

Throughout the city, it was apparent that couples unanimously enjoyed the holiday, but what about that forgotten minority, single persons?

“I didn’t get the memo; if you’re single, please stay inside today,” one solo female quipped.

Social researchers are curious to see if this trend will continue to spread throughout Europe. In respects to population growth and flower sales, scientists expect the movement to swell to other regions.

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