Tuesday, February 13, 2007

This one goes out to this hot chick I know, Katy DeCorah...

I has been brought to my attention that I need to blog so people know what I'm doing 24/7, so here's a mini update until the real adventure of this weekend occurs.

Jorge finally came through; I have a bike. (We secretly nicknamed the bike man because we have seen him more than any other individual in the past week). Its a pretty crappy bike, but that will hopefully deter thieves.

I also finally got to the van Gogh museum. It was, simply put, breathtaking. We discussed going everyday, but that seemed a little overkill. When I got to the metal detectors and refused to pass through them, the man took my word and had me hold his hand all the way around security, it was awesome.

In a uncharacteristic fit of spontanaity (sp?), we have decided to go to Maastricht for the weekend. For those who have no idea what/where/why (i.e. all of you), Maastricht is a lovely medevil town on Southern Holland where Carnaval/Mardi Gras is celebrated heartily. While we won't be there for the actual Carnaval (because we can't start skipping class already), we will be there for some liveiness. We have a hotel, now we just need train tickets and we're set. Blog will follow.

Now, I am getting ready to go out (who thought Tuesday was a good night for drinking?) for the Valentine's Day Borrel (gheyyyyyyyyy), wearing red pink. Rediculousness, just one more service I offer.


Unknown said...

ahhh yessss. thank you for blogging. things sound wonderful. now come home and make me dinner.

Agent Tatties said...

Make me some too. A sandwitch. I can't do it on my own

Agent Tatties said...

Oh and Saga had these sandwitches a week or so ago: Ham, apple and gouda. I screamed and took the picture of you I keep around my neck and licked it.