Friday, February 2, 2007


...So I have been in the Netherlands for only 36 hours, and I have already met over 40 different people, walked probably 15 miles around downtown, gone on a canal tour, cruised the red light district, and been in at least 5 or 6 bars.

"Borrel" is a Dutch social event that includes alcohol consumption. Literally, "borrel" translates into "drink." While CIEE struggles to organize many other programs, they can make sure we have free drinks.

Orientation has been a clusterfuck of programming: canal tour, campus tour, scavenger hunt (my group sucked, as we live practically in Jordaan, we are forever away from downtown), lots of drawn-out "info sessions" and bar hopping with other international students. With so much going on, I will only highlight the cool stuff.

My dorm: I moved in to discover the most amazing dorm I've ever seen. 20 foot ceilings, a kitchenette, huge windows overlooking a courtyard, and a bathroom I only have to share with one other girl; Ally, who's also from MA. I know all the CIEE students that live here. We are arguably 4 and half miles or more away from the other dorms, which kinda sucks.

Navigating has been an adventure. In this "do it yourself" society, people will correct your Dutch then offer you directions in perfectly good English. We have been left to wander - in hopes of luck or mercy from the Dutch - back to our dorms. I was in charge last night, and we ended up in a branch of the Red Light District. I gawked - totally tourist staring, while Tori insisted she wanted to go home. I was amused, but when am I not? We also walked through Chinatown this evening, which was a crazy array of restaurants and such - with whole roasted ducks hanging in the window. Mmmmmm...not.

Also, they tell you everyone can speak English here; well yes they can speak English, but that does not mean they do. I have already begun the undertaking of learning enough dutch to not look like an idiot, as I was already proclaimed an American by the bathroom attentant in a bar this evening (tipping in bathrooms is weird, sorry).

I've done so much in the past 2 days , it's hard to describe it all. Tomorrow, we have numerous programs with ISN (International Student Network) planned, then out to the bars again. Look for pictures, coming soon to a blog near you.


intrinsicVibe said...

i figured it out sort of.


keep having fun, mofe.

(note: mofo is the abbreve for mofo, which is the abbreve for motherfucker.)

Agent Tatties said...

AAAAAH I can't wait to see you!

Tonight, Katy, Sanjay and I started drinking, and we ended up going outside for cigs with H. It's showing pretty hard though, so we ended up having an all out snowball fight. Laura wins against H, but loses against Sanjay. H wins against Sanjay, and it was a pretty brutal defeat. Katy watched and laughed. It's now only 9:45pm and we are out of ideas. We might hit up the TH, but like I said it's snowing a lot, and my hair is soaked from the fight. We'll see where the night goes.

Much love, glad you're having fun. Make friends, buy dildos, don't eat a whole duck, and don't go to club Vandersexxx (from Eurotrip).