Monday, February 16, 2009

Light at the End of the Tunnel

I got accepted to BC's Lynch School of Education for the upcoming fall!

All of a sudden, despite the shitty housing, the freezing temps, and this godforsaken beaurocratic mess that is New York State, life is feeling pretty good.

...of course I have my Valentine to thank for a lot of that. <3

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Yes, We Can...Maybe.

I hate my job. Let's not dick around about it, if you've talked to me for more than 3 minutes about the subject, you've been blessed with my opinion on the matter. However, I believe I actually have solid, valid reasons for despising 40+ hours a week.

Overheard in the office wouldn't even accept the shit I could submit from here.

Point in Case:

The bossman (talking about Obama, who he often refers to as 'osama'): "He's up there, giving a speech, he's got no tie on, his shirt is unbuttoned...he should be wearing a tie and a suitcoat."

The BM's assistant: "'Well you can take him out of the city, but you cant take the nigger out of him."

I'm astounded. Saddened. Angry.

And still looking for another job.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Drunk driving probably doesn't count as an acceptable office topic.

~Dear Co-workers,

I'd rather not know that you drive after drinking too much (4 bombays counts as too much, I'm quite convinced). I really rather not hear about it when it happened last weekend. I mistakenly thought people outgrew such poor decision making tendencies.



Your rudeness and sometimes blatant hostility makes me want to hunt your pitiful self down in your dingy little cubical and help you understand the importance of common human respect and decent manners. Through methods that will guarantee you never, ever forget it.


Tuesday always seem so much more painful than Mondays. I can't figure out this phenom, because they are essentially the same day, except I have to do the mail twice on Monday (that is, Saturdays). I actually spend my day thinking "half way to lunch. Half way through the day. Half way through the afternoon. 14 minutes and 27 seconds left until I can stop working and pretend until I'm free."

However, that lacks intrigue for the common reader, so let's focus on...babies? Facebook? Those were my first two thoughts. I'm not sure what that really says about my current status of mind.

I think I should join Michael Phelps in his extracurricular activities and maybe I'd feel better.