Saturday, June 2, 2007

You may have been in Europe too long when...

Man purses are not only acceptable, but an integral part of an individual’s outfit.

You haven't been in an auto, much less driven one, in 5 months...and all you're concerned about is securely locking your bike to a friend's when you go out at night.

You go to thank someone and hesitate: Dutch, French, or Spanish? What language is this person expecting? Interestingly enough, your own English tongue never even comes to mind.

Continuing in that strain, you now can't respond to simple exchanges in anything but your host country's language.

You long ago stopped considering the exchange rate. The Euro is King, but shit it sucks the Netherlands doesn’t use the 1 and 2 cent pieces. (On the upside, you will feel rich when you return to the American dollar.)

Low carb diets are but a faint nightmare from a past life; bread at breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Well, duh. It should probably have cheese and/or chocolate with it, too. And it seems totally normal.

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