Sunday, March 4, 2007

Why is there a pear under your bed?

Just because the week started did not mean the adventures stopped. During the days that I had class, I’d go and Laura would stay home and clean/cook…not. She did create a new game for me, called “Let’s discover the new music in my media player.”

On Monday night, I chartered six of us a private boat tour around the old center of the city. While the weather was not the best, the tour was awesome – the price was much cheaper than the large tours and we had chocolate and wine as our guide told us interesting trivia about the city. When we arrived home, we watched some Nip/Tuck and plotted our next move.

Tuesday found us at NEMO, a large kid’s science museum. The place was mobbed with small children, which is to be expected. The most amusing part of NEMO was the new feature, “Teen Fact.” This exhibition was an educational but teen-friendly look at puberty, relationships, sex, etc. Let’s just say, the Dutch don’t beat around the bush. While the pictures speak for themselves, here’s an example: within a display labeled “Let’s Talk about Sex” there was a monitor of animals mating and a couple making out hardcore, which was just a prelude to the Kama sutra puppets and the birth control display. A-mazing.

Mixing it up a bit, we went to the Bible Museum early Wednesday afternoon (after more pancakes). It was pretty cool, considering what you may believe. After my night class, we headed to the Sex Museum with Molly. For 3 euro, its one of the most entertaining/mildly disturbing ways to spend an evening. Such wonderful features included classic Greek and Roman artifacts to homemade porn from the late 19th century. The S&M/Fetish room actually had a warning on the door and the sound effects within justified such caution. Continuing with the theme, we headed over to the Red Light District (or, RLD as I like to refer to it). We wander into the Erotic Museum’s gift shop and discuss what would be the best gifts to send home. I suggested Laura just buy a handful of pornos and pass them out when she returned to campus.

Thursday commences with breakfast with Molly, then shopping on Spui/Kalverstraat. It is not a very productive shopping day though; we spend several hours just wandering. By early afternoon, we return home to drop off groceries that Laura bought me (I’m gonna make it through the winter guys!) and rush to the Anne Frank Huis before other people realize it’s a good time to go. We get in without a wait, which is miraculous. It was such an experience to finally see this place. I first read the book when I was 9 years old and most recently re-read it this past January; still it proves moving. The tour proceeds through the lower levels, which were the offices of Otto and the storage rooms. Videos of interviews with Miep and others who helped the families in hiding are throughout, as are quotes from Anne’s diary. Some of the most treacherous stairs I’ve ever seen lead to the Secret Annexe. Anne’s room (which she shared with the dentist) is incredibly small and her collages remain on the wall to this day. Her original diary is also on display, along with Otto’s letters with family as he tried to locate his daughters. It is heart wrenching to realize that Anne died a month before the liberation; friends who saw her shortly before even speculated that if she had realized her father was still alive, she might have found the strength to survive.

The rest of Thursday was pretty low key. We made dinner together and watched Eurotrip and Moulin Rouge. Molly and Kristen came up for a while and we all watched Little Miss Sunshine, which was pretty amusing. We cleaned up the room (FOR ONCE) and gathered Laura’s belongings. At 6 am we were on our way to the taxi stop. We managed to avoid any tears.

So that is the story of our beautiful reunion. Good times were had by all but it went by so fast.

Upcoming: Paris this weekend!


Agent Tatties said...

"We managed to avoid any tears."

Um, yeah, or not. My cabbie gave me looks.

Unknown said...

This is what you have missed so far: I went to bed before midnight last night.


Unknown said...

maria's blog says: updaaaaatemeeeeee

Unknown said...

I came back from the library and Laura posted on the whiteboard things you told her. I feel much better. Much betttahhh.

Agent Tatties said...

someone needs an update! preeese?

Unknown said...

Dear diary,
Today I woke up. Went to work. Went to my German class. Went to lunch. I went to my Roman Civilization class. I got there 10 minutes early. Then I found out I didn't have part of my paper with me to be turned in. I sprinted from the third floor of siena to my room. I made it in time. I destroyed my room trying to look for the missing page. Then I got my quiz back and got a 27/25. And then I cam back to my room. I listened to some music. Got some dinner. Solved world hunger. Wished Maria back in the States.


Unknown said...

dear diary,
Today I woke up early. Went to American History. Came back to the room and did nothing until lunch. I had lunch with the boys, we shared some laughs. Then I came back to the room and did nothing. I had a class. Had dinner. Fought a monster. Wrote a novel. Built a lavish castle out of unsalted saltine crackers. And wished Maria to blog more, because I don't know what she's doing 24/7.
Love, Katy.

Agent Tatties said...

Dear Diary,

Today I woke up, took a lukewarm shower, went to class and did a presentation for my american lit class. I think I did very well. I discussed the roles of men in the 17th century. It was man-tastic if I do say so myself.

We started watching an X-files which turned into a huge laugh fest when the monster turned out to be a gang of killer cats. I mean it, like house cats. I almost peed myself laughing when Scully fought one.

After that I went to lunch with Katy. I had soup. It was ok. I didn't throw it up. I went to my short story class and got my midterm back. 95. Who's your daddy?

Then I went to the COD aka the home of those who have problems and those who make them up to get better housing. I talked to M. Kelly. Then Katy, BBG, and I devised a plan to get a TH. Then I talked to you online. Things now look about where they were when we started out, but I'm still going on with medical request. Hopefully I can get my DR. to write what I need him to write on the form and get it to me asap.

Then I went to dinner and tried to steal soup but the ziploc container started leaking as we were leaving and i needed to plug the crack in the plastic with napkins. Then we got back to the room and I transferred it into a safer leak-free container and ate it. Our toilet is clogged, i think it is because I accidentally flushed a plastic spoon a few weeks ago.

After BBG was done with her class we dug my car out of the front lawn and went to Price Chopper where we bought flowers for the windowsil, ice cream, cookie dough, and canned whatever for BBG. We got back and ate it while we waited for House to be on, which it turned out wasn't because of stupid American Idol. gay.

Then I wrote a 5 page paper and we watched an X-files about a monster that looks like the girl from the Ring. We don't have hot water, i think it's cause the power went out this morning for a few minutes. Siena sucks, you're not missing anything.

Now I am going to sleep because I have 2 presentations tomorrow and I have to register for classes. Is it just me or is there nothing good to take? Siena sucks take II... ACTION

NIGHT! I don't even know what that means, BYEEE


Becky said...

Dear Diary,
Today I woke up, showered, ate an apple, then studied genetics until scientific writing and organic chemistry classes. When I got back from these classes I resumed studying until dinner, then took my test.
I have so much genetics on my brain that as I was beginning to fall asleep a minute ago, I had one of those half-dreams... a particularly girl-from-the-ring-like monster from the x files episode we finished before bed was talking to me in a voice of static about how on the 5' end of the 16S ribosomal RNA of the 40S ribosomal subunit of the prokaryotic ribosome, there is a conserved sequence called the Shine-Delgarno sequence that properly alligns the messenger RNA strand so that the start AUG codon is in the peptidyl site of the ribosome. I then realized how much of a nerd I am.
Going to go back to bed now... I hope that the static monster is gone.


Becky said...

Dear Diary,

We miss Maria.


PS. This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.